Gov. Charlie Baker Plans to Propose Solar Energy Legislation

courtesy of Colin Young, of the State House News Service BOSTON – As solar energy advocates rallied on the steps of the State House Thursday, Gov. Charlie Baker said at a different event that his administration will file legislation concerning the solar power net metering cap “probably sometime next week.” Details of the governor’s planned….

Cape Cod Healthcare Uses Sun to Save Green

From Cynthia McCormick of the Cape Cod Times: Open around the clock every day of the year, hospitals have some of the highest electrical bills around. Now organizations such as Cape Cod Healthcare, the parent company of Falmouth and Cape Cod hospitals, are partnering with solar energy developers to slash costs. For more than a….

For the First Time, Natural Gas Tops Coal for Electricity Generation

According to the EIA’s most recent Electric Power Monthly, natural gas is now the largest source of electricity generation in the United States. Comprising 31% of the power generation, natural gas recently surpassed coal, which comprises 30%, for the first time on the national level. This change comes as predicted because it is a result….

El Niño Wanders Through Winter 2016

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center forecasts that the current El Niño event will persist through winter 2015-16 and into spring 2016. The El Niño began in June 2015, with a minimal impact but will grow in intensity until it peaks by early next winter. El Niño occurs when the surface water temperatures of….

Commonwealth Renews SBANE’s Manufacturing Matching Grant Program

The Massachusetts State Legislature recently allotted $250,000 to SBANE to advise small and medium-sized Massachusetts-based manufacturers making a business transition. Once manufacturers match the Commonwealth’s qualifications here, they can receive expert advice for improving the workplace and boosting their bottom line. On July 22nd, join MassMEC as SBANE reviews how your company can gain from….

Eversource Basic Service Rates Spring-Summer 2015

Massachusetts electric utility customers are advised to wait at least 1 month before signing electric supply contracts, since the basic service rates dropped significantly from the high winter ones.  Eversource rates filed  for July onward on average are over 30% lower for Residents and Small C&I customers, while they are over 38% lower for Industrial….

NE Power Plants Prepared to Match this Summer’s Peak Electricity Demand

ISO New England VP and COO Vamsi Chadalavada announced recently that New England power plants should handle this summer’s peak electricity demand, despite losing 570 MW worth of generation after closing Mount Tom Power Station and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station: “The New England power grid is prepared to meet consumers’ needs for power this….

Kinder Morgan, Berkshire Gas Anticipate Northeast Direct Project Start

Richard Kinder, CEO of the country’s largest midstream company, Kinder Morgan (KMI), spoke  with CNBC last week and affirmed the possibility of starting the Northeast Direct Project soon with a “I think we will. ” “And the main problem here is it’s just ironic that the highest price for electricity and natural gas in the….

Massachusetts 2015 Solar Net Metering Projects to Halt with Caps Hit

In March, public projects within National Grid service areas reached the 256.6 MW (megawatt) net metering cap for 2015. Massachusetts net metering caps are based off each utility’s historical peak MW energy demand, with a small percentage cap allocated toward private (4%) and public (5%) solar projects, falling short from the State’s 1600 MW goal. NGrid….