MA Cranberry Farmers Go Solar

A vast field of ripe, red cranberries submerged in water behind a foreground of green bushes.

Cranberry farmers in Massachusetts are pushing solar developments by mounting solar panels over cranberry bogs to increase sustainability and revenues. The first of these in Massachusetts are expected to be completed in the remaining year in the town of Carver. It is a $53M project with 9MW of solar capacity being developed by Pine Gate….

Divisive Clean Energy Future in New England Area

Sunrise over a misty landscape with power lines and electricity pylons across a field.

Divisive Clean Energy Future in New England Area Over the past years there has been a fight over the building of an AVANGRID power line bringing hydroelectric energy from Quebec to the New England area. The project is estimated to cost $1B, and last week was hit with a referendum that would kill the project….

Elon Musk Offers $100M Prize for Carbon-Capture Challenge

Word cloud related to environmental topics, with "carbon offset" in bold at the center, surrounded by terms like "eco-friendly," "emissions," and "sustainability.

Elon Musk unveiled a $100M prize pool for the Carbon Removal XPrize challenge for companies to design and build carbon capture technologies. More specifically, the goal is for teams to construct a project that makes a meaningful difference in removing carbon from the atmosphere, instead of just neutralizing it to slow global warming. Solutions with this specific….

Residential Electricity Use Increases Due to More Work from Home

Four line graphs depicting changes in electricity consumption in residential, commercial, industrial, and total sectors from 2018 to 2020, with estimates and confidence intervals.

As companies ask their employees to work from home more, residential energy usage is on the rise. In comparison to 2016-2019, residential electricity usage in 2020 has increased by 10%, commercial electricity usage has decreased by 12%, and industrial electricity usage has decreased by 14%. Particularly, this has been the case in the most densely….

Natural Gas Prices – Biggest 2-Day Rise Since 2018

Grain silos and storage facilities in a vast, open field under a partly cloudy sky.

Between September 22 and 24, natural gas prices experienced a 23% gain, closing at $2.248/MMBtu. This marks the highest two-day gain since November 11, 2018. Part of this is due to increased usage and lower buildup of storage. The average five-year buildup of storage for the week ending on September 18, 2020 has been 80….

Division Between ISO-NE and Participants Over Energy Security Proposal

Silhouettes of multiple electricity pylons with interconnected wires against an orange sunset sky.

On April 15, ISO-NE introduced a new proposal to the federal regulators of the Energy Security Improvements authority for improving reliability during shortages and winter months. Some of these initiatives include: Day-Ahead Replacement Energy Reserve (RER); Day-Ahead Energy Imbalance Reserve (EIR); Day-Ahead Generation Contingency Reserve (GCR). As mentioned, the main goal is of improving energy….

How COVID-19 Is Affecting Energy Peaks

Line graph showing processing hours by hour of the day for two years, 2016-2019 in grey and 2020 in blue, peaking around 15:00 hours.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed the course of how businesses of all sizes operate, most directly reflected by changes in their energy consumption patterns. Measures being implemented to flatten the hospitalization capacity curve have also flattened peak energy consumption times as seen below, shaving off the peaks. This indicates the peak is happening at….

Eversource to Acquire Columbia Gas Assets

Close-up view of shiny metal pipelines supported by concrete structures against a clear blue sky during sunset.

On February 26, 2020, Eversource announced a deal to purchase all $1.1B of Columbia Gas assets from their parent company NiSource, setting the stage for their operations to be managed by the largest energy player in the New England area. This means electric customers who also received Columbia Gas service will be controlled by a….