A group-purchasing program created by MassDevelopment to decrease your company’s energy costs.
What is MassMEC?
The Massachusetts Manufacturing Energy Collaboration (MassMEC) is a new initiative created to decrease the energy bills of commercial, industrial, and municipal entities. MassMEC combines the energy usage of many companies into buying groups, then negotiates volume rates with the power supply companies for your organization. Save on energy! Buy in bulk and reduce your electricity and natural gas costs!
For electricity or natural gas, MassMEC can offer a better rate.
Experts at examining and thoroughly understanding the nuances of contracts from different suppliers, we become an independent advisor to you – ensuring that contract language, terms & conditions, and pricing serve you best. We are available to answer questions from any MassMEC member during business hours or at our quarterly meetings and webinars.
Market Knowledge
EarlyBird Power, MassMEC’s procurement partner, has proven success in creating low-priced, risk-reduced contracts. Licensed with 33 suppliers around the country, they keep contract and pricing options open. EarlyBird manages every facet of the procurement process – from bidder qualification to compliance verification. They continuously monitor the contract performance of the chosen supplier and its adherence to negotiated terms.
Efficiency Consultation
In addition to the bottom line being lowered on your energy bill, as a member of MassMEC you can receive free evaluations of efficiency measures and onsite renewable opportunities. Up to 60% of the cost of efficiency improvements and renewable energy can be reimbursed through grants and utility incentives. MassMEC will ensure you are aware of and receive any available benefits. These measures lower your energy costs in the short and long-term.